Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang formulasi sediaan sabun mandi padat ektrak daun kelengkeng . Tujuan dari dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan formula sabun ekstrak daun kelengkeng yang memenuhi standar karakteristik sabun mandi sesuai standar nasional indonesia , meliputi uji organoleptic , uji Ph , uji stabilitas busa , uji homogenitas , uji alkali bebas , serta penambahan uji kesukaan untuk mengetahui konsentrasi mana yang banyak disukai . Daun kelengkeng dipetik dan dilakukan maserasi menggunakan pelarut alcohol 70% dan didapatkan hasil rendemen 18,72% . selanjutnya dilakukan identifikasi kualitatif yang membuktikan bahwa ekstrak mengandung senyawa metabolit Flavonoid , saponin dan tannin . Ekstrak diformulasikan dengan menggunakan tiga formula yaitu 0% sebagai pembanding 2% dan 3% , masing masing formula dibuat menjadi tiga sediaan . disimpan selama tiga minggu dan dilakukan empat kali pengujian organoleptic dimulai hari ke 1, hari ke 7 ,hari ke 14 dan hari ke 21 . tiga kali pengujian Ph dan uji stabilitas busa dan satu kali pengujian alkali bebas dan uji kesukaan di hari ke 21 . Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa uji organoleptic formula 0%, 2% dan 3% memenuhi persyratan uji organoleptic karena bentuk warna dan aroma sabun konsisten dari minggu ke 2 dan ke 3 . namun pada uji Ph konsentrasi 0% dan 2 % tidak memenuhi persyaratan hanya konsentrasi 3% saja yang memenuhi persyaratan. formula 0% , 2% dan 3% memenuhi persyaratan uji alkali bebas .konsentrasi 3% juga mendapatkan perolehan tertinggi uji kesukaan dibanding konsentrasi 0% dan 2%.
Has done research on the formulation of solid shower soap with longan leaf extract. The goal of doing this research is to get an extra-soap formula of soap leaves that meet the characteristic indonesian standard (SNI), involving organoleptic test, Ph test, foam stability test, homogenity test, free alkali test, as well as the addition of a favorite test to find out which concentration is the most preferred. The leaf of gluten picked and performed a maceration using 70% alcohol continent and acquired a rendement result of 18.72% rendement results that proves that extract contains the Flavonooid metabolic flavonoid, saponins and tannin. Extract formulates using three formulas as a 2% and 3% comparison, each formula is made to three weeks of organic testing begins on the 1st day, day 14 and day21. The test results indicate that the organoleptic test results are 0% and 3% and 3% of the requirements of colors and soap are consistent of the 2nd and 3rd week. 3 times pH testing, foam stability test and 1 time free alkali test and preference test on 21 days. The test results showed that the organoleptic test of the 0%, 2%, and 3% formulas met the requirements of the organoleptic test because the shape, color, and aroma of the soap were consistent from week 2 and week 3, but in the pH test the concentrations of 0% and 2% doesn’t meet the requirements. only 3% concentration that meet the requirements. formulation of 0%, 2% and 3% fulfilling the requirements of alkali test.concentration of 3% also got the most highest gain from the preference test compared to concentrations of 0% and 2%.
Detail Information
Item Type |
Penulis |
Ferlinda Utami - Personal Name
Student ID | |
Dosen Pembimbing |
Dr. Iswandi, S.Si, M.Farm., Apt - - Dosen Pembimbing 1
Penguji |
Dr. Iswandi, S.Si, M.Farm., Apt - - Ketua Penguji
Apt. Elly Purwati, S.Si., M.Farm-Klin - - Penguji 1 Apt. Deny Budi Legowo, S.Farm., M.Farm - - Penguji 2 |
Kode Prodi PDDIKTI |
Edition |
Departement | |
Contributor | |
Language |
Publisher | Akademi Farmasi Mitra Sehat Mandiri Sidoarjo : Krian., 2022 |
Edition |
Subject(s) | |
No Panggil | |
Copyright | |
Doi |