Cetirizine HCl adalah obat oral golongan antihistamin generasi kedua yang merupakan selektif antagonis reseptor H1 periferal dengan efek sedatif yang rendah. Pada umumnya masyarakat lebih menyukai sediaan obat sirup. Penggunaan larutan cetirizine HCL sirup digunakan saat mengalami alergi saja sehingga sediaan masih tersisa banyak dan masyrakat cenderung menyimpan sirup tersebut. Oleh sebab itu peneliti tertarik melakukan penelitian tentang lamanya penyimpanan sediaan larutan cetirizine HCL sirup dan nilai signifikanya yang sudah ditutup selama 15 hari, 30 hari dibandingkan dengan 0 hari sebagai kontrol kemudian dilakukan uji mutu fisik sediaan larutan cetirizine HCL sirup yang meliputi evaluasi organoleptis, Uji penetapan Ph, uji penetapan kadar, uji vikositas dan bobot jenis . cara metode : peneliti ini termasuk penelitian eksperimental. peneliti ini dengan larutan cetirizine HCL sirup dengan nomor batch yang sama. Sampel dengan teknik simple random sampling. Data kemudian dianalisa secara statistik menggunakan uji SPSS One Way Anova.
Berdasarkan hasil uji mutu fisik sediaan larutan cetirizine HCL sirup dengan lamanyaa penyimpanan selama 15 hari, 30 hari dibandingkan dengan 0 hari sebagai kontrol terdapat hasil evaluasi organoleptis yang sama. Data analisa statistik hasil pengujian terhadap pH menunjukan nilai p= 0,000 yang artinya ada hubungan signifikan antara lamanya penyimpanan. Uji vikositas menunjukan p=0,696 yang artinya terdapat perbedaan signifikan antara lamanya penyimpanan untuk hasil uji statistik bobot jenis hasil tidak terdeteksi karena hasil bobot jenis pada sample larutan cetirizine HCL sirup memiliki nilai yang sama yaitu 1,007gr/ml. Uji penetapan kadar menunjukan p= 0,000 yang artinya ada hubungan signifikan antara lamanya penyimpanan. Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini terdapat perbedaan mutu fisik pada sediaan cetirizine HCL terhadap variasi lamanya penyimpanan pada parameter pH dan kandungan kadar.
Cetirizine HCl is an oral drug of the second-generation antihistamine class which is a selective peripheral H1 receptor antagonist with a low sedative effect. In general, people prefer syrup preparations. The use of cetirizine HCL syrup solution is used only when experiencing allergies so that there is still a lot of preparation left and people tend to keep the syrup. Therefore, researchers are interested in conducting research on the duration of storage of cetirizine HCL syrup and its significant value which has been closed for 15 days, 30 days compared to 0 days as a control. Then, a physical quality test of the cetirizine HCL syrup solution was carried out which included organoleptic evaluation, and a determination test. Ph, assay test, viscosity test, and specific gravity. the way this research method includes experimental research. this research with cetirizine HCL syrup solution with the same batch number. Sample with a simple random sampling technique. The data were then analyzed statistically using the SPSS One Way Anova test.
Based on the results of the physical quality test of cetirizine HCL syrup with a storage duration of 15 days, 30 days compared to 0 days as a control, there were the same organoleptic evaluation results. Statistical analysis data on pH test results 9shows a p value = 0.000 which means that there is a significant relationship between storage time. The viscosity test showed p = 0.696, which means that there was a significant difference between the storage time for the statistical test results. The specific gravity of the results was not detected because the specific gravity results in the sample solution of cetirizine HCL syrup had the same value, namely 1.007 gr/ml. The assay test showed p = 0.000 which means that there is a significant relationship between the length of storage.
Detail Information
Item Type |
Penulis |
Yuliatin - Personal Name
Student ID | |
Dosen Pembimbing |
Apt. Deny Budi Legowo, S.Farm., M.Farm - - Dosen Pembimbing 1
Penguji |
Dr. Iswandi, S.Si, M.Farm., Apt - - Ketua Penguji
Erna Fitriany, M.Si - - Penguji 1 Apt. Deny Budi Legowo, S.Farm., M.Farm - - Penguji 2 |
Kode Prodi PDDIKTI |
Edition |
Departement | |
Contributor | |
Language |
Publisher | Akademi Farmasi Mitra Sehat Mandiri Sidoarjo : Krian., 2022 |
Edition |
Subject(s) | |
No Panggil | |
Copyright | |
Doi |